
    RITSCH RATSCH – Powered by Sappi | Papier ganz nah

    A pig-tastic paper adventure, ideal for children aged 3 and up

    Come, visit the Piggy Book, and end up in a story in which paper plays the leading role! Pigs accompany you on your adventure. You create paper costumes and build houses out of boxes with them. You slide into the big pool of paper, make paper sound or do magic with it. Fold, cut or weave, crumple, crease or glue … Try out what paper can do, sheet by sheet!

    The exhibition is fully accessible!

    An exhibition of the Graz Children‘s Museum FRida & freD

    • Sujet der Ausstellung "RITSCH RATSCH". Papiercollage. Drei Papierschweinchen stehen um ein Loch aus Papier, dahinter liegt eine gezeichnete Welt aus Häusern, Bäumen, Seen.
    • Plakatsujet für die Ausstellung "Mist": Collage aus verschiedenen Objekten aus der Ausstellung bzw. zum Thema "Mist" (Bücher, Papier, Plastik, Glasflaschen, Kleidung, etc.)

    RUBBISH?! – powered by Holding Graz Waste Management Department

    An upcycling exhibition for waste experts aged 8+

    It’s all rubbish! Is that so? Discover that there is still an important recyclable material in almost any waste. As a waste expert, you can help to avoid waste, reuse things or recycle them properly! Find out what belongs in which waste bin and dispose of your worries. You help to protect the environment and do not mess it up, because with the right tools you can make new, useful things from supposed waste!

    The exhibition is fully accessible!

    An exhibition of the Graz Children‘s Museum FRida & freD

    The book mystery

    The FRida & freD story lab for children aged 8+

    What happened to the books? Immerse yourself in the magical library! Discover the secret of the books and write your own personal adventure!

    Telephone reservation: Please call +43 (0) 316/872 7700

    Individual visitors:
    Saturday, Sunday and during the holidays from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m.


    The FRida & freD KNOPFtheater!

    From 4:00 pm every Thursday to Sunday, our stage plays delight audiences aged 2 and above. Make yourself comfortable in our theatre and allow us to enthral you with enchanting puppets, adventurous journeys, funny songs, comical actors and crazy characters.

    As many of our performances are sold out, we recommend early ticket reservation by calling: +43 (0) 316 872 7700.

    Theatre visitors who don’t have enough time for a visit to the exhibition are invited to purchase a ticket for the Lümmelzone for € 1.00 half an hour before the start of the performance.

    For a performance at forenoon please contact nora.bugram@stadt.graz.at

    Publikum aus Kindern schauen auf Theaterbühne

    Holiday programme

    Summer Academy 2025

    During the summer holidays, we are once again offering the Summer Academy – a mixture of free play and guided activities. Summer holidays should also be holidays in summer childcare!

    For children between the ages of 7 and 12 (after attending 1st grade VS), from Monday to Friday. Childcare hours: 8.00 – 16.30.

    Price: EUR 197 per child/week incl. lunch, materials and excursions


    This summer makes history. We go in search of traces of the great eras of human history and discover new and long-forgotten things.

    Week 1 (07.07.-11.07.2025):
    A mammoth as a pet?
    Travel with us to the beginning of mankind! We discover fire, gather our food and go in search of archaeological evidence. Did the cave dwellers of Graz really have mammoths as pets?

    Week 2 (14.07.-18.07.2025):
    Visiting mummies
    There was a lot going on in ancient Egypt! Visit the festival of the pharaohs, learn about the customs and writing of the Egyptians and discover the secrets of the pyramid.

    Week 3 (21.07.-25.07.2025):
    The Romans are crazy!
    Emperors, gods and palaces – this week we’ll have a good time with music, food and celebrations! The gods predict good luck in the chariot race.

    Week 4 (28.07.-01.08.2025):
    Family reunion with court jester, damsel and knight
    The annual knights’ tournament takes place at Fridafredenstein Castle. With colourful shields, funny songs and acrobatics, you are well equipped. True heroes are characterised by ingenuity and skill!

    Week 5 (04.08.-08.08.2025):
    Invitation to Leonardo
    Whether by aeroplane or catapult – we travel more than 500 years into the past. Leonardo da Vinci invites you to his workshop, where you can work on incredible inventions yourself.

    Week 6 (11.08.-15.08.2025):
    For kings of the sun
    We take a leisurely stroll through magnificent castles and marvellous gardens. Find out whether frock coats, wigs and high heels are as comfortable as they were in the Baroque era. With music and dance, we’ll still live like goddesses in France.

    Week 7 (18.08.-22.08.2025)
    In the footsteps of the adventurers
    New inventions turn the world upside down! We accompany adventurers on their travels and shake a leg with those who stayed at home at the Charleston.

    Week 8 (25.08.-29.08.2025):
    Let’s dance!
    Flower children and neon colours – it was colourful from the 1960s to the 1980s! Cook yourself a slimie, land on the moon and design your cool outfit for the disco.

    Week 9 (01.09.-05.09.2025):
    Off to the future!
    We travel to Graz in the year 2115 and find out what awaits us there. We get to know people who are working on new ideas for travelling, we create the national dish of the future and plan the trend sport of the next century.

    Information and registration:
    FRida & freD – The Graz Children’s Museum
    Friedrichgasse 34, A-8010 Graz


    Workshops in the exhibitions

    Working with paper in “RITSCH RATSCH – powered by Sappi | Papier ganz nah”

    Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 2.00 – 4.30 p.m.

    Sat & Sun 10.00 – 12.00 a.m. Papermaking

    Sat & Sun 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. Papier-mâché

    Workshops in RUBBISH?! powered by Holding Graz Waste Management Department

    Repair café 19 February 2.00 – 4.30 p.m.

    Birthday parties

    The fun starts here at FRida & freD. Celebrate your birthday with us!

    You celebrate indoors and outdoors, in the exhibition and in the festive birthday room, loud and soft, rowdy and quiet, always with your favourite friends. Two members of the FRida & freD staff accompany you through a programme to suit your own taste!

    Please bring socks or slippers and weatherproof clothing!

    Please note that there can be a maximum of 12 children at your birthday party! The birthday child must be at least 5 years old and the invited children must be at least 4 years old.

    Kid’s birthday – three hours
    including admission to the exhibition, materials, cake (three flavours available to choose from), snack with organic apple juice and birthday gift.
    Price: € 290 for up to 10 children, € 15.50 for each additional child up to a maximum of 15 children (without cake/muffins: € 260)
    Discount for annual pass holders and Sparefroh Club members: € 270 (without cake/muffins: € 240)

    Kid’s birthday – two hours
    including admission to the exhibition and materials. You may bring your own cake and snacks.
    Price: € 175 for up to 10 children, € 15.50 for each additional child up to a maximum of 15 children
    Discount for annual pass holders and Sparefroh Club members: € 160

    Information and registration
    Date by agreement by calling +43 (0) 316 872 7700

    Kinder blasen Kerzen auf einer Torte aus